Water Sports is a big thing in scouting. We quite often have camps based totally on water sports. We might go kayaking and canoeing or something along those lines. These are one of my favourite camps because you can do things that you never would normally get to do. One camp, we went down to the River Thames and spent the whole day kayaking on the river. We were also split up into multiple groups as some people were more experiennced than others, because they have either done it before or been in scouting for longer and done it through that.
When we do watersports Kayaking is a big thing. Kayaks are easier to control and are usual only have 1 person using/operating it at once. This means that it is generally easier to control and use, but won't go as fast as a cannoo, where there are 2+ people in it.
Cannoos build more skills like team-work as there is more than 1 person in a cannoo (generally we use 2) its harder to control at first, but once you get the hang of it you can go much faster.